
March 22nd, 2020

Here’s a Facebook frame you can use in your profile pictures to support the Universal Pass movement. Update your profile pictures and share! Use the tags #NoFailSwarthmore and #SupportUP in your captions – here’s a little blurb you can use, or feel free to write your own!

Many students are currently housing insecure, food insecure, and without income at all due to Swarthmore’s closures. In addition, there are students taking care of children or elderly folks, students without internet access, students living in abusive households, and students with disabilities without access to accommodations. Finally, some students will inevitably become ill with COVID-19, and some will pass away. It is unreasonable to maintain the expectation that students uphold their grades while grappling with these difficulties. We need a universal pass policy now! #NoFailSwarthmore #SupportUP

We shared our petition with them — over 1,200 signatures. We told them why a Universal Pass policy was necessary in this situation. We asked them to listen to our voices — the voices of the students they swear to protect. Still, they ignored us. Swarthmore College, you will not silence us. A Universal Pass policy is the most equitable way to ensure that ALL of us, regardless of the various circumstances we’re facing, are able to succeed academically this semester. Enforce a Universal Pass now! #NoFailSwarthmore#SupportUP